Gallery Darwish with Prince of Spain Darwish Receiving UNESCO Medal from UNESCO Director Darwish & UNESCO Director inauguration-summit South Africa -2002 Darwish & Other Recepients of the UNESCO Nano Science Medal 11-10-2016 Darwish & Valeri N.Kharkin Darwish with UNDL Della Senta and Vladislav Darwish & EOLSS HTE Darwish & Amer Kissou Darwish & EOLSS HTE Prof. Worizglu Darwish Desal-92 Conference in AL Ain UAE Darwish & UNESCO-EOLSS Joint Commitee-Prof. Rao, Dr. Woldai & Dr.Hornby Darwish & EOLSS HTEs Darwish in Bahama EOLSS Deligates-1996 Darwish at Abu Dhabi Powerstation Darwish at Abu Dhabi Powerstation Darwish at Abu Dhabi Powerstation Darwish at Abu Dhabi Powerstation Darwish at Abu Dhabi Powerstation Darwish with WED Officials Darwish with WED Officials Darwish-Prof. Shamesdien=DESAL-92 Conference Darwish and Adel Redif and Italy Panti Manager Darwish- DESAL Conference Darwish-Bushara-Mubarak UNESCO-EOLSS Buro meeting in Abu Dhabi -2002-04-10 Darwish & Chinese Deligates in Bahama-1996 Darwish & Dr. Mostafa Kamal Tolba UNEP Darwish & Dr. Woldai and EOLSS Manager-in London UK Darwish & Gordon Chester and Bushara Darwish & Prof. Elias Beydoun and Prof. Adnan-Beirut, Lebanon-2002 Darwish & EOLSS HTE in Bahamas-1996 Darwish & Prof. GP Rao and EOLSS Manager-in London UK Darwish & HTE in Bahamas -1996 Darwish & UNESCO-EOLSS Joint Commitee in Paris, France Darwish & Prof Andrew Sage in Bahamas-1996 Darwish & African Deligates in Bahama 1996